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despite of例句
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We shall be victorious in despite of difficulties.


We started for the tour in despite of the heavy rain.


He finally in time despite of the traffic jam.


The boys went for a walk despite of the rain.


All these memory - images are enough in despite of any descriptions.


In despite of their objections, I will do it just the same.

尽管他们反对, 我照样要做.

despite of her beauty, she lacks self - confidence .

她虽然很漂亮, 但是缺乏 自信.

despite of its almighty power.


despite of some mishaps, everything went swimmingly.

虽然出现一些不好的东西, 但一切都进展得非常顺利.

despite of above - mention regulations, contractor should promptly take remedy measures and volunteer to undertake related charges.

尽管有上述规定, 承包人应在发包人通知后立即采取补救措施并自行承担费用.

despite of all these efforts, credit markets still have not returned to normal.

尽管美联储做出所有这些努力, 信贷市场仍未恢复正常.

The above theory, despite of its rationality, doesn contain all the meaning of artistic authenticity.

这一理论有其存在的合理性, 但并不能囊括艺术真实的全部内涵.

Diligence : Be diligent and hard - working, be practical, keep going ahead despite of confrontations and difficulties.

勤勉: 勤奋努力, 脚踏实地,不避艰辛, 锲而不舍.

despite of that, both Barcelona and Inter Milan had prepared to make a deal with Ronaldo.

尽管如此, 巴赛罗纳和因特米兰队都准备和罗纳尔多签约.

In despite of they can not saw you, but they could heared your speaking.

尽管他们看不见你, 但是可以听到你说话.

"despite of"的基本信息





